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Mogherini Visits Vienna to Discusses Migration and Nuclear Disarmament Issues with Kurz
EU High Representative Federica Mogherini met with Sebastian Kurz in the margins of the CTBT Ministerial in Vienna on 13 June. Mogherini und Kurz stressed their support for the entry into force of the CTBT and the importance of nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation.
Mogherini Visits Vienna to Discusses Migration and Nuclear Disarmament Issues / Picture: © Wikipedia / Maliepa
They also exchanged views and ideas on a number of international and European issues.
They also discussed in depth the refugee- and migration-crisis in Europe.
Both agreed that in order to tackle this crisis, a comprehensive European solution is needed.
Mogherini and Kurz reiterated the importance of implementing the FAC Council Conclusions of 23 May 2016, in…
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