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Lauda wants to sue Republic of Austria
Companies ♦
Published: May 31, 2010; 00:00 ♦ (Vindobona)
FlyNiki boss Niki Lauda wants to sue the aeronautical authorities of the Republic of Austria for damages because of the loss for his airline due to the bans as a result of the Icelandic ash cloud.
Lauda wants to sue Republic of Austria / Picture: © Vindobona.org
Airline boss: suing for damages against aviation authorities was fixed
FlyNiki boss Niki Lauda wants to sue the aeronautical authorities of the Republic of Austria for damages because of the loss for his airline due to the bans as a result of the Icelandic ash cloud. "In no more than three weeks we will have collected all necessary data to prove the exact size of damage. The we…
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