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IFM Global Infrastructure Fund: Public Offer for minority stake of Flughafen Wien AG
Press Wire ♦
Published: October 13, 2014; 07:27 ♦ (Vindobona)

The IFM Global Infrastructure Fund intends to launch a public voluntary offer pursuant to §§ 4 et seq of the Austrian Takeover Act to acquire a non-controlling minority stake of between 20% and 29.9% of the share capital of Flughafen Wien AG through its indirect subsidiary, Airports Group Europe S.à r.l.

The IFM Global Infrastructure Fund ("IFM GIF") intends to launch a public voluntary offer pursuant to §§ 4 et seq of the Austrian Takeover Act (Übernahmegesetz) to acquire a noncontrolling minority stake of between 20% and 29.9% of the share capital of Flughafen Wien AG (ISIN AT0000911805) through its indirect subsidiary, Airports Group Europe S.à r.l. ("Airports Group Europe" or…
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