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IAEA Laboratories in Seibersdorf - A Hub of Scientific Excellence
The laboratories of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) are located in the town of Seibersdorf, where scientists carry out unique work in support of global peace and development. Located 35 kilometres south of Vienna, the 10 laboratories play an important role in the IAEA’s activities in the areas of nuclear verification, food and agriculture, human health, industrial applications and the environment. Recently Austrian President Van der Bellen paid a visit to Seibersdorf.

“It is impressive in how many ways the IAEA laboratories are making concrete contributions to both human development and nuclear non-proliferation, two of the most urgent global issues of our time,” President Van der Bellen said.
“These laboratories are a hub of scientific excellence and one more reason for Austria to be proud to host the IAEA in our country.”
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