Hypo Group: Costs Could Increase up to € 10bn

Politics ♦ Published: March 10, 2012; 15:16 ♦ (Vindobona)

The nationalized Hypo Group Alpe Adria may need massive capital injections by the Austrian state. The bank must downsize radically.

Hypo Group: Costs Could Increase up to € 10bn / Picture: © Wikipedia / JJ55 (30 March 2008)

Hypo Group Alpe Adria has already submitted its restructuring plan, which contains the downsizing strategy, to Brussels. The Austrian Central Bank (OeNB) published a document stating that the taxpayer may expect high costs.

Hypo Group wants to sell major parts of its business segments. Though, the bank still has a high volume of non-performing loans, which is estimated to total…