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How to Set-up a Partnership (OG) or Limited Partnership Company (KG) in Austria
Company founders will generally need to choose between establishing a new company, registering as a foreign company or acquiring an existing company. If establishing a new business, a variety of business structures are available, each with their own regulatory and tax considerations. Businesses may also need to establish their identity through a trade mark, online and/or physical presence. Vindobona will provide a series of articles to allow investors to make the choices most appropriate to the nature of their business.
How to Set-up a Partnership (OG) or Limited Partnership Company (KG) in Austria / Picture: © Flickr
This article focuses on what is required to form a Partnership (OG) or a Limited Partnership Company (KG) in Austria.
Other legal forms will be discussed later.
1. Start-up consultancy
Financial and legal advisory service from the Founder Service and/or the specialised departments and professional…
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