Grawe Bids for Zavarovalnica Maribor

Professional ServicesInsurance ♦ Published: October 10, 2012; 20:16 ♦ (Vindobona)

The Austrian insurance group wants to take over the Slovenian insurer Zavarovalnica Maribor (ZM). ZM´s management prefers Slovenian bidders.

Grawe Bids for Zavarovalnica Maribor / Picture: © Grawe Grazer Wechselseitige

According to insiders, Grawe (Grazer Wechselseitige) has submitted a non-binding offer for ZM. The Slovenian NKBM (Nova Kreditna Banka Maribor) sells its majority stake in ZM. NKBM has do downsize in order to reduce its risky assets. The sales price could reach up to € 80m. How many offers NKBM has received is not known yet.

Other potential buyers are the Austrian insurance…