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Extremism-Gate: Special Session of Austrian National Council Convened
The somewhat opaque events surrounding the house search of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution and Counter-Terrorism (BVT) are now making political waves. It is deeply disturbing that a unit, which in itself is not responsible for this, is supposed to have carried out the house search at the BVT and allegedly took highly sensitive intelligence information with it. The matter stinks to high heaven. The Austrian opposition has convened the National Council. The parties SPÖ, NEOS and Liste Pilz (LP) demand that Interior Minister Herbert Kickl (FPÖ) provides a complete explanation.
The premises of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution and Counterterrorism were searched / Picture: © Wikimedia Commons / Österreichische Außenministerium [CC BY 2.0]
What happened?
On 28 February 2018, the premises of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution and Counterterrorism (BVT - Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz und Terrorbekämpfung) and various private residences were searched by employees of officials of the Task Force for Combating Street Crime (EGS - Einsatzgruppe zur Bekämpfung der…
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