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Embassy of Austria in Islamabad, Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Updated embassy and consulate contact details of the Embassy of Austria in Islamabad, Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Aktualisierte Botschafts- und Konsulatskontaktdetails der Österreichischen Botschaft in Islamabad, Pakistan.
Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Haus 7A, Straße 21, F 8/2 Islamabad
Telefon: (+92 / 51) 877 07 00
Telefax: (+92 / 51) 83 50 992
Internet: www.aussenministerium.at/islamabad
Office hours: Monday 08.30 - 12.30
Tuesday 08.30 - 12.30
Wednesday 08.30 - 12.30
Thursday 08.30 -…
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