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EBRD Provides €20 Mio Loan to Slovakia for Sustainable Energy Projects
Politics ♦
Published: June 16, 2014; 12:00 ♦ (Vindobona)
The EBRD is deepening its support for sustainable energy investments in the Slovak Republic with a €20m loan to Slovenska Sporitelna, a.s. (SLSP), one of the country’s leading banks. The funds will be on-lent to private companies for renewable energy projects and energy efficiency in industry and buildings.
Slovakia: EBRD Provides €20 Mio Loan for Sustainable Energy Projects / Picture: © EBRD
The loan is extended to SLSP under the third phase of the EBRD’s highly successful Sustainable Energy Finance Facility in Slovakia (SlovSEFF III). SlovSEFF III is anticipated to result in up to €40 million in financing by the EBRD and will be complemented by funding provided by Slovakia. These funds will be sourced from the proceeds of a carbon credit transaction between the Slovak…
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