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EANS-General Meeting: C.A.T. oil AG / 10th ordinary general shareholders meeting of C.A.T. oil AG, Vienna
Press Wire ♦
Published: May 29, 2015; 07:45 ♦ (Vindobona)
Herewith, C.A.T. oil AG revokes its convocation of 22 May 2015 to the 10th Annual Shareholders' Meeting on 29 June 2015 because the ad hoc notice of the convocation was not published in time.
EANS-General Meeting: C.A.T. oil AG / 10th ordinary general shareholders meeting of C.A.T. oil AG, Vienna / Picture: © Vindobona.org
General meeting information transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is responsible for the content of this announcement.
C.A.T. oil AG
FN 69011 m
ISIN: AT0000A00Y78
Revocation of the invitation of 22 May 2015
to the 10th Annual Shareholders' Meeting
Herewith, C.A.T. oil AG revokes its convocation of 22 May 2015 to the 10th
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