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Discrepancies on Austrian Real Estate Market
Politics ♦
Published: April 18, 2014; 13:28 ♦ (Vindobona)
Because of the high rents the city of Vienna intends to do away with location premiums. Listed real estate company Conwert announced raising its rents by May 1.
According to experts, the freezing of rents is not a solution for the current situation on the Viennese real estate market. / Picture: © Vindobona.org
The increasing location premiums are just one reason for the surging rents in Vienna. Moreover, rents for old apartments can be raised by up to 20 percent which is causing uproar among both tenants and landlords.
The city of Vienna, which is the largest lessor in Austria, pointed out that the location premium is part of the federal constitution. “Because of the legal situation…
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