Dairy firms Tirol Milch and Berglandmilch to merge

CompaniesRetail & Consumer ♦ Published: June 14, 2010; 15:28 ♦ (Vindobona)

Austrian dairy companies Tirol Milch and Berglandmilch are reportedly planning to merge operations and create the nation’s largest dairy company.

Dairy firms Tirol Milch and Berglandmilch to merge / Picture: © Tirol Milch

As a merged company, both parties would benefit from synergies in logistics, accounting and exports.

The merger is, however, subject to agreement with both companies’ 16,000 farmer members.

Antitrust approval is also required since Berglandmilch is the biggest dairy on the Austrian market, while Tirol Milch ranks fourth.

“If the approvals are granted by…

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