Collective Contracts: Wage Increase of 2.95% for 130,000 Construction Workers

Politics ♦ Published: March 24, 2011; 00:30 ♦ Updated: March 24; 00:31 ♦ (Vindobona)

In the current collective negotiation rounds, the construction union managed to get the so far highest wage increase. The paper-manufacturing industry agreed on an increase of 2.4%.

Collective Contracts: Wage Increase of 2.95% for 130,000 Construction Workers / Picture: ©

The construction-timber union (GBH) published yesterday the wage increases for about 130,000 construction workers, valid as of 1 May 2011. Profiteers are workers in the construction industry and all related branches.

This way, construction workers will receive an increase of 2.95%. The construction-timber union also reached a reasonable agreement for timber and plastics…