Chip Manufacturer Infineon: Revalorization of the Development Center Graz

CompaniesTechnology ♦ Published: October 8, 2010; 15:30 ♦ (Vindobona)

The German chip maker based in Villach is bundling competencies. All future research on tire pressure sensors will be made at the Infineon Development Center Graz with 250 employees.

Chip Manufacturer Infineon: Revalorization of the Development Center Graz / Picture: © Infenion

The worldwide production of these chips will continue in Villach.

Infineon in Austria is not only Villach, it is also Graz: The little-known research center of the chip manufacturer with 250 employees is receives now a strategic revalorization within the group.

Both in Graz and in Villach, new employees are being hired in view of the expected production boost.…

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