BWB Finishes Razzia at Rewe Austria

CompaniesRetail & Consumer ♦ Published: March 9, 2012; 18:41 ♦ (Vindobona)

Due to suspicions of price arrangements, the Austrian Federal Competition Authority (BWB) secured comprehensive documents of Rewe Austria. The longest razzia in BWB´s history is finished.

BWB Finishes Razzia at Rewe Austria / Picture: © Billa

After eight days, the razzia at Rewe Austria´s headquarters has come to an end. BWB suspects Rewe Austria to have made vertical as well as horizontal price arrangements. A wide range of product groups is said to be affected.

Rewe Austria operates the retail chains Billa, Merkur, Bipa, Penny and Adeg and denies to have made price arrangements. Nevertheless, CEO Frank Hensel…