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BKS Posts Decline in Profits
Companies ♦
Published: November 18, 2011; 16:03 ♦ (Vindobona)
The two sister banks Oberbank and BTV were more successful in the first nine months of the year. Consolidated net income went up by 8.2%.
BKS Posts Decline in Profits / Picture: © BKS 3 Banken Gruppe
The members of the 3-Banken Group recorded different developments in the first three quarters of 2011: Oberbank’s net income increased by 20.7% and amounted to € 91.6m. BTV (Bank for Tyrol and Vorarlberg) achieved a slight plus of 4% to € 41.9m. BKS (Bank for Carinthia and Styria), however, registered a decline in net income from € 31.1m to € 25.9m.
Consolidated net…
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