Austrian Public Debt at 75% of GDP

Politics ♦ Published: September 28, 2012; 13:37 ♦ (Vindobona)

Public Finances 2011: Public deficit at 2.5%, Public debt at 72.4% of GDP. In the first half of 2012, Austria´s public debt level grew by € 6bn.

Austrian Public Debt at 75% of GDP / Picture: ©

In 2011, the Austrian Maastricht Deficit was brought down substantially, while Maastricht Debt showed a small increase. The final data for the year 2011 result in a Maastricht Deficit of 2.5% (7.6 bn Euro), compared to a deficit of 4.5% (9.9 bn Euro) in 2010. Public debt increased by 0.4 percentage points to 72.4%.

Total Government Revenue showed a steep increase of 4.9%…