Austria: Wienerberger Alarmed About Shrinking Residential Building

Politics ♦ Published: June 12, 2013; 12:45 ♦ (Vindobona)

Building material group Wienerberger is alarmed about the declining figure in residential building even though the market is significantly undersupplied with affordable housing space.

Austria: Wienerberger Alarmed About Shrinking Residential Building / Picture: © Wienerberger AG

Until 2014, the completion in Austria would sink to 37,000 accomodation units, which is a decline of 14 percent within three years, managing director of Wienerberger Christian Weinhapl explains. Like Weinhapl, CEO of Wienerberger Heimo Scheuch hopes for a reintroduction of an earmarking of house building subsidy. President of the construction union Josef Muchitsch said he hoped for…