Austria’s Unemployment Rate Is the Lowest in the EU

BusinessEconomy ♦ Published: November 30, 2011; 13:21 ♦ (Vindobona)

The EU27 unemployment rate was 9.8% in October, compared with 9.7% in September 2011 and 9.6% in October 2010

Austria’s Unemployment Rate Is the Lowest in the EU / Picture: ©

Among the Member States, the lowest unemployment rates were recorded in Austria (4.1%), Luxembourg (4.7%) and the Netherlands (4.8%), and the highest in Spain (22.8%), Greece (18.3% in August 2011) and Latvia (16.2% in the second quarter of 2011).

Between October 2010 and October 2011, the unemployment rate for males increased from 9.9% to 10.0% in the euro area and from 9.6% to…