Austria: Record High in People Unemployed

Politics ♦ Published: March 1, 2013; 13:04 ♦ (Vindobona)

At the end of February, 404,006 persons were seeking for a job. Compared to January this means an increase of 5.3 % or further 16,337 people jobless.

Austria: Record High in People Unemployed / Picture: ©

The numbers of persons without employment has risen to an all-time-high. Around 326,401 persons are currently available to take on a new job. Compared to February last year this means an increase of 6.2 %. Also, the number of people in training rose by 10.2 % (that is 7.209) which makes 77,605 persons. Summing up, there is a total of around 404,000 jobhunters in Austria. According to…