Austria: New CEO for RBI to Be Announced "In The Coming Days"

Politics ♦ Published: May 27, 2013; 10:31 ♦ (Vindobona)

On Monday, the supvising boad will negotiate about the filling of the post for the CEO of listed Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI).

Austria: New CEO for RBI to Be Announced "In The Coming Days" / Picture: © Flickr / St. Petersburg International Economic Forum

After Herbert Stepic announced his resignation on Friday, the Austrian media has been regarding Chief Risk Officer Johann Strobl and CFO Martin Grüll as the most promising successors of Stepic.

Deputy CEO Karl Sevelda could head RBI on an interim basis.

Four of the most important Raiffeisen bankers in Austria are among the supervisory presidium: CEO of RZB (Raiffeisen…