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Austria: EVN Hits Brakes with Expansion of Solar Energy
Politics ♦
Published: July 11, 2013; 12:25 ♦ (Vindobona)
The fast expansion of solar electricity in the province of Lower Austria is straining the power supply system. EVN is therefore limiting the power supply for some projects. Plant operators are infuriated.
Austria: EVN Hits Brakes with Expansion of Solar Energy / Picture: © Vindobona.org
Power Provider EVN hit the brakes for the expansion of solar power plants because of the strain placed on the power supply system. The company’s affiliation EVN Netz has examined the connection of around 2,000 photovoltaic projects with a power output of five kilowatt how much the further solar power would strain the system, EVN announced. At 230 plants, the power output was limited…
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