
"Teletrade" is not "Teletrader"

TeleTrade is an online broker providing access to trade across a range of financial markets. TeleTrade has recently opened an office at the Regus Business Center at Parkring 10 in Vienna's first district. According to the company's website, the TeleTrade Group has over 200 offices in 30 countries and more than 3000 employees.

January 20, 2015

TeleTrader in the Red

TeleTrader increases its sales again by around 5.7%, but net earnings are impacted negatively by investments in data and infrastructure with € -0.155m.

May 12, 2011

TeleTrader decreases loss, raises revenues slightly

TeleTrader, a stock-listed IT service provider, posted in H1 2010 a loss on ordinary activities of EUR 62,000 (US$ 48,819), which was slightly better than the loss in H1 2009 (EUR 170,000/US$ 215,900).

August 30, 2010
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