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Czech Republic: Economic Growth Expected to Expand

The Czech Banking Association (CBA) has adjusted its economic forecast and expects a growth rate of 1.9 percent for the Czech economy this year.
January 14, 2014

CESEE: Lack in FDI Causes Modest Economic Growth

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is cautiously optimistic about economic growth in CESEE.
January 14, 2014

Serbia Facing Testing Year

The Serbian government is currently working on a plan to improve the competitiveness of domestic enterprises.
January 13, 2014

Austria: VBAG Not to Receive Further Aids

Ailing banking institute VBAG of the Austrian Volksbanken Group will not be granted further state aids.
January 13, 2014

Romania: Economic Growth not Sustainable Yet

In the third quarter of 2013, Romania´s GDP growth amounted to 4.1%. Nevertheless, Romania is still far from a sustainable economic recovery.
January 11, 2014

Czech Economy: Good Prospects for Sustainable Recovery

The Czech economy is expected to return to growth already in the first half of 2014. Growth will not be only based on exports.
January 10, 2014

Slovenia: 2014 Credit Line of € 7.7bn

On Thursday the Slovenian government adopted a budget financing plan which includes this year’s credit line of up to € 7.7bn.
January 10, 2014

RBI Expects Growth to Accelerate in 2014

2014 marked by growth recovery, according to RBI Research.
January 9, 2014

Slovenia: Growth through Diplomatic Network

Slovenian Finance Minister Karl Erjavec assured that throught diplomatic network the country’s economy will still be supported.
January 9, 2014

Slovenia: Calls for Reforms Become Louder

The Slovenian Chamber of Commerce (GZS) calls upon the government to accelerate the realization of reforms to boost economic growth.
January 8, 2014

Serbia: One of Fastest Growing Economies

Last year Serbia was among the ten fastest growing economies in Europe, as pointed out by Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic.
January 8, 2014

Hungary Amending Figures of Budget Deficit

Hungarian Finance and Economy Minister Mihaly Varga announced that the budget deficit of 2013 will be below the target after it was lowered dramatically.
January 8, 2014

Poland: On Path of Recovery and Growth

The Polish economy has been growing steadily since the beginning of 2013. However, budget deficit slightly exceeded forecasts.
January 7, 2014

Slovenia: More Resistance Against Real Estate Tax

On Friday a second petition was filed at the Constitutional Court against the property tax.
January 4, 2014

Czech Governor Awarded Banker of the Year 2014

Miroslav Singer, governor of the Czech National Bank (CNB) was given the Central Banker of the Year 2014 award for Europe by The Banker.
January 3, 2014

Czech Economy to Return to Growth

After two years of GDP contraction, the Czech Republic will reach moderate economic growth rates in 2014.
January 2, 2014

Austria: Unemployment Rate at Record High

Last year the unemployment rate in Austria recorded its highest level in 60 years.
January 2, 2014

Slovenia: FDI to Remain Low in 2014

No improvement in increasing foreign direct investments in Slovenia is expected this year. The country has one of the smallest shares in inward FDI among EU member countries.
January 2, 2014

„Such Growth Rates Will not Return“

In an interview with the Austrian daily “Presse”, economist Karl Aiginger explains that the worst should be over. The reform pressure on the Austrian government is enormous.
December 30, 2013

Austrian Public Debt Reaches New High

The total size of public debt was never before so high. In the next years, the public debt ratio will come close to 80% of GDP.
December 30, 2013

Hungary: Best Economic Outlook since 2002

After the country had left the double-dip recession, the Hungarian economic sentiment index has reached the highest level in more than 11 years. Nevertheless, the country still has to manage number of fundamental risks.
December 28, 2013

Croatia Needs Major Bridge Loan

In order to cover its fiscal shortfall, the youngest EU member country takes a bridge loan in the amount of € 200m.
December 28, 2013

Romania: Growth to Slow Down

In 2014, Romania´s GDP growth will only reach 2.0%, Turkish GarantiBank forecasts.
December 28, 2013

„CESEE No Driver Yet“

Birgit Kuras, CEO of Vienna Stock Exchange, thinks that the Vienna Stock Exchange is highly influenced by the CESEE operations of listed companies.
December 23, 2013

Bulgaria Still Below Pre-Crisis Level

The World Bank predicts that Bulgaria will not reach the pre-crisis level before 2008 in terms of GDP. Regarding Bulgaria´s fiscal situation, the country performs well, though.
December 20, 2013

Slovenia: Budget Shortfall Greater than Expected

As per the end of November the country’s budget deficit amounted to almost € 1.62bn, according to the latest estimates by the Finance Ministry.
December 20, 2013

Wifo: Sluggish Growth Because of Weak Consumption

According to Wifo’s (Austrian Institute of Economic Research) prognosis for the coming years, economic upturn in Austria will remain flat because of weak consumption.
December 19, 2013

World Bank Increases Economic Growth Forecast for Poland

The World Bank has increased economic growth in 2013 from 1.0 percent to 1.5 percent.
December 19, 2013

Serbia: EU Accession Talks in January Fixed

Prime Minister Dacic considers results as “historic event” for Serbia.
December 18, 2013

Czech Republic: Rusnok to become CNB Board Member

Outgoing Prime Minister Jiri Rusnok will be appointed new board member of the Czech National Bank (CNB) by President Milos Zeman.
December 18, 2013

Czech Republic: Lowest Increase in Public Debts in 17 Years

According to the government’s Funding and Debt Management Strategy, public debt should exceed CZK 2,000bn by the end of 2016.
December 17, 2013

Bulgaria: Majority of Citizens Call for Early Elections

According to a poll, 80 percent of Bulgarians demand early elections.
December 17, 2013

Austria: Opening Balance Reveals Massive Mountain of Debt

Public debts exceed the federal assets by more than double the amount, as revealed by the opening balance published by outgoing Finance Minister Maria Fekter last weekend.
December 16, 2013

Poland: Budget Bill Approved by Lower House

On Friday, the Polish lower house Sejm approved next year’s budget bill which schedules the budget deficit of PLN 47.6bn not to be exceeded.
December 16, 2013

Romania´s GDP Growth to Slow Down

In 2014, Romania is expected to grow moderately. Compared to 2013, growth will decelerate. The recovery mainly depends on exports.
December 16, 2013

Croatia: Major Investments to Boost Economic Growth

The Croatian government on Thursday adopted an investment plan for 2014 which includes large-scale investments, amounting to as much as HRK 73.1 billion.
December 13, 2013

Poland: Growth May be Higher than Projected

Poland´s new Finance Minister Mateusz Szczurek thinks that the growth estimations for 2014 may be too cautious.
December 12, 2013

Austrian GDP per Capita Second-Highest in EU

In terms of GDP per capita, Austria is the second-richest EU country.
December 12, 2013

Hungary: Stable Outlook Yet Still Junk Status

In spite of Matolcsy, governor of the Hungarian National Bank (MNB), demanding a better rating for the country’s credibility, the major rating agencies have not raised them.
December 12, 2013

Bulgaria: Prime Minister Stresses Positive Development

Plamen Oresharski stressed that Bulgaria has performed better than expected in 2013.
December 10, 2013

Poland: Parliament Approves Nationalization of Pension Fund

Today, the Polish Lower House approved the controversial pension reform. With the reform, the Polish pension system will be partly re-nationalized.
December 10, 2013

Serbia: New Budget Turning Point for Economy

Next year’s draft budget is, according to Prime Minister Ivica Dacic the opportunity for a new beginning and a turning point in a responsible approach to running the Serbian economy.
December 9, 2013

Wifo: Austrian Economic Growth Still Sluggish

Seasonally adjusted and corrected for working day effects, GDP increased by 0.2 percent compared to the second quarter. The upturn becomes evident only in a very moderate pace.
December 9, 2013

Slovakia: Economy Accelerates Slightly

In the third quarter of 2013, the Slovak GDP year-on-year growth was up to 0.9%, according to the Slovak Statistical Office.
December 8, 2013

Economic Recovery in CESEE Supported by Exports

According to the GDP data for some Central and South Eastern European countries published today, economic recovery was backed by a strong increase in export activity.
December 5, 2013

Belka: Recovery Will Be Longer

According to Marek Belka, governor of the National Bank of Poland (NBP), the country’s economy sees a continuing and persistent recovery.
December 5, 2013

Moody's: ECB Rate Cut Does Little for Economic Growth

ECB rate cut to a record low 0.25% will likely do little to support economic growth, according to Moody's Analytics.
December 5, 2013

Czech Republic Remains in Recession

The Czech economy continues to shrink. Above all, private consumption and investments are weak.
December 5, 2013

Poland: Benchmark Rate Remains Unchanged

The Polish National Bank (NBP) holds the reference rate at its record low of 2.5%.
December 4, 2013

Bank of Albania Presses for Agreement with IMF

The Albanian economy from short-term adjustment toward long-term sustainable growth. Why Albania needs an agreement with the IMF.
December 4, 2013