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Ethnic Groups in Austria
New Slovenian Government Received Austria's Foreign Minister as First Official International Guest
Slovenia's recently elected government this week received Austria's Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg as its first official international guest. This included talks with Slovenia's Foreign Minister Tanja Fajon and Prime Minister Robert Golob as well as President Borut Pahor on important European issues and the strengthening of already excellent relations.
June 7, 2022
Hate Crime Motives in Austria: Ethnicity, Ideology and Religion
The Ministry of the Interior released a report on hate crimes in Austria. The report showed that the leading hate crime motives were ethnicity, ideology, and religion. Read more about the report.
July 29, 2021
Austria Implements Funding for Ethnic Group Media
After the increase of funding for ethnic groups in Austria in general about half a year ago, Susanne Raab, the Minister of the Chancellery responsible for ethnic group affairs, has now announced a separate budget for ethnic group media, which can be applied for in the near future.
April 20, 2021
Increase in Funding for Carinthian Slovenes
In the year of the 100th anniversary of the Carinthian referendum, the National Council has decided to contribute another EUR 4 million to the support of the Slovenian ethnic group in Carinthia. Chancellery Minister Raab sees this "a clear signal of appreciation" for ethnic groups in Austria.
November 20, 2020
100 Years Carinthian Referendum: Van der Bellen Apologizes to Carinthian Slovenes
During the 100 years anniversary of the Carinthian Referendum, Federal President Van der Bellen apologized to the Slovene minority in Carinthia for the bad treatment they had received in the past. He emphasized the importance of ethnic groups in Austria and hopes that these minorities will continue to exist.
October 12, 2020
Increase in Funding for Austria's Ethnic Groups
Ethnic groups in Austria will be receiving more funding due to a recent decision made by the Austrian government. The last increase dates back 25 years ago, which is why high-ranking politicians were in favor of supporting the ethnic groups even more.
October 9, 2020