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Embassy of New Zealand to Austria - Hungary - Slovenia - Slovak Republic

New Bankruptcy in the Signa Group: Signa Development Icon GmbH Will not be Continued
The economic turbulence surrounding the Signa Group shows no sign of abating. The creditor protection association Creditreform announced that Signa Development Icon GmbH has filed for bankruptcy proceedings, which will not be continued in the future. "The Icon Vienna" houses prominent companies and diplomatic missions and is a subsidiary of the Signa Development Selection AG, which had previously filed for insolvency.
November 11, 2024

Natural History Museum Vienna Returns Bones of Members of the Māori and Moriori to New Zealand
Bones of members of the Māori and Moriori people were returned to Aotearoa, New Zealand, during a repatriation ceremony at the Natural History Museum in Vienna.
September 27, 2022

Ambassador of New Zealand Presents Credentials to International Organizations in Vienna

Mr. Brian Hewson, the Ambassador of New Zealand to Austria, presented his credentials to the international organizations in Vienna, making him the new Permanent Representative of New Zealand to the International Organizations in Vienna. Read about his background and what New Zealand Foreign Minister Nanaia Mahuta said about his appointment.
September 14, 2021