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Edeltraud Hanappi Egger

Financial Times Ranking - Business School "WU Vienna" Remains Midfield Only

In the latest overall ranking of all European business schools published by renowned newspaper "Financial Times", WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business) ranked only 41st out of a total of 95 European business schools in the overall ranking. Although the university improved by three places compared to the previous year, it fell short of expectations. Much better results were achieved in the two partial competitions "Masters in Management 2018" (12th place out of 84 programmes) and "Executive MBA 2018" (22nd place out of 51 programmes).
December 7, 2018

Vienna University of Economics and Business to Offer an International Bachelor Program

The Vienna University of Economics and Business continues to push ahead with its internationalization and, as of the coming winter semester, is the first public university in Austria to offer the purely English-language bachelor program "Business and Economics".
February 27, 2018