Raiffeisen Bank International Expects ECB Call to Accelerate Withdrawals from Russia

2 hours ago · Organizations - Other
Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI) is facing increasing pressure from the European Central Bank (ECB) to reduce its business activities in Russia more rapidly. This follows a number of developments and the publication of an ad hoc announcement by the bank in which it is expected that the ECB will make an official request to accelerate the wind-down measures in the near future.

Lifestyle & Travel

Influential Voice in Culture and Politics: Nina Khrushcheva at the Salzburg Festival

April 3
Nina Khrushcheva, an outstanding academic, great-granddaughter of the famous Soviet Communist Party leader Nikita Khrushchev, and fierce critic of the current Russian government, will take to the podium at this year's Salzburg Festival with an opening speech that has already caused ...

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