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Newsletter: Vienna International News
Triumph of the FPÖ: Herbert Kickl in the Contest for the Chancellorship

The Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ) celebrated a historic victory in the 2024 national elections with 29% of the vote, led by Herbert Kickl. The FPÖ leader, who speaks of an “Orbanization” of Austria, is demanding the chancellorship, but his chances of forming a government remain uncertain. Despite his success, Kickl has met with resistance from potential coalition partners, particularly the ÖVP.

OSCE Chairman-in-Office Ian Borg on Strengthening the Organization during the UN General Assembly

The Chairman-in-Office of the OSCE, Maltese Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Ian Borg, took the opportunity of the 79th United Nations General Assembly in New York to address the most pressing challenges facing the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) in a series of meetings. The central themes of his discussions with high-ranking representatives of various states revolved around ensuring the OSCE's ability to function in the face of global and regional tensions as well as financial and personnel difficulties.

Deficit Forecast for 2024 Rises to 3.3 %: Austria Facing Economic Challenges
The Ministry of Finance has raised its deficit forecast for the 2024 budget to 3.3% of GDP, which puts the deficit above the Maastricht limit of 3%. The reasons for this development include the sluggish economic recovery, the effects of the flood disaster, and the increase in the climate bonus. This represents a significant deterioration, as the forecast in March was still 2.9%.

Jewish Community in Austria Deeply Concerned about the FPÖ's Election Victory