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Newsletter: Vienna International News
Moscow Announces Enhanced Revision of its Nuclear Doctrine

Russia's nuclear doctrine, particularly concerning its large arsenal of non-strategic nuclear weapons (NSNW), has become one of the most pressing issues in Euro-Atlantic security. Russia is planning to revise its nuclear doctrine, the Russian Foreign Ministry has announced. This decision is of course being made against the backdrop of the ongoing war of aggression against Ukraine and the reactions of the West.

OSCE Chairman Ian Borg Reaffirms Peace Efforts at Ukraine Summit in Switzerland
The Ukraine peace summit on the Bürgenstock in Switzerland emphasized the OSCE efforts under the leadership of Ian Borg, while Russia was conspicuous by its absence and strict negotiating conditions.

30 Years of the WKÖ Export Prize: Austrian Companies Honored for Top Performance

Austria's export industry has achieved impressive successes over the last 30 years. EU accession in 1994 played a key role in this, paving the way for a more than five-fold increase in goods exports. Despite challenging framework conditions, the 63,700 domestic export companies achieved a record value of 200 billion euros in goods exports and 83 billion euros in services exports last year.

Austria's Common Tones in Times of War and Conflict