Newsletter: Vienna International News

U.S. Embassy and Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation Explore the Future of Transatlantic Relations

The Amerika Haus in Vienna was the venue for a major panel discussion on "An Uncertain Future: The State of Transatlantic Relations in a World on Fire", organized by the Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation in cooperation with the U.S. Embassy in Austria.

Discussion in the Austrian Parliament on Dual Citizenship for South Tyroleans

A motion for a resolution recently tabled in the Austrian Parliament by the Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ) on the introduction of dual citizenship for South Tyroleans was rejected by the other parliamentary groups. This proposal aimed to allow members of the German and Ladin-speaking ethnic groups in South Tyrol to acquire Austrian citizenship in addition to Italian citizenship.

Solidarity with Israel in the Austrian National Council

In a remarkable session of the Austrian National Council, strong solidarity with Israel and a clear condemnation of Hamas and its terrorist attacks were demonstrated. The unanimous decision of the MPs reflects Austria's stance on the Middle East conflict and the violence in the region.

Revolutionizing E-Mobility in Austria: Introduction of the E-Control Tariff Calculator for E-Charging Stations

In a new initiative to promote e-mobility, the Austrian regulatory authority E-Control has introduced a new comparison calculator for public e-charging points.