Newsletter: Vienna International News

Potential Consequences of a Russian Nuclear Test

In a recent development, Russia is on the brink of withdrawing its support for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT). This decision has sparked intense discussions about the potential for Russia to conduct a nuclear test, creating significant ripples in the global security landscape. The prospect of Russia conducting such a test has prompted deep concerns among experts and policymakers.

Austria Introduces Border Controls at Czech Border

In a remarkable reaction to Germany's decision to introduce stationary border controls at its borders with the Czech Republic, Poland, and Switzerland, Austria has announced that it will also introduce controls at its border with the Czech Republic. This step is intended to combat illegal migration and smuggling activities.

Italy Takes Austria to the European Court of Justice over Transit Measures

The ongoing controversy over transit measures on the Brenner route reached a new level of escalation when the Italian government decided to take Austria to the European Court of Justice (ECJ).

France's Plea for an Independent Europe: Ambassador Gilles Pécout for Strategic and Global Sovereignty of the EU

In an interview with the "Kronen Zeitung", the French ambassador in Vienna, Gilles Pécout, promoted the strategic and global sovereignty of the EU. He stressed that the EU is an ally of the USA, but not China's enemy.