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Newsletter: Vienna International News
Minister Schallenberg Reassured Support for Ukraine at EU Ministers Meeting

Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg participated in a meeting of foreign Ministers of all European Union states. He reassured support for Ukraine and the Western Balkans was a subject of this meeting.

Vienna City Marathon to Take Place with a High Number of Runners
The Vienna City Marathon will celebrate its 40th anniversary with more people than last year, according to the applications and Vienna Mayor Michael Ludwig. Around 34.000 people have already applied and 36.000 – 40.000 people are expected to participate in the marathon.

Austria's Cooperation with EU Drugs Agency Exemplary

The European Monitoring Center for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) is the leading European institution in the field of drugs. EMCDDA Executive Director Alexis Goosdeel is meeting with the Austrian ministries responsible for drug policy issues, in particular with Health Minister Johannes Rauch and Justice Minister Alma Zadić, as part of a three-day working visit to exchange views.