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Newsletter: Vienna International News
Minister Schallenberg Shows Solidarity for LDC Countries at Doha Conference

Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg attended the Least Development Countries (LDC) in Doha. There, he expressed solidarity for the LDCs and reassured Austria’s support for the countries.

Winning Ensembles of the 8th International Joseph Haydn Chamber Music Competition Chosen

For the 8th time, the International Joseph Haydn Chamber Music Competition, where young ensembles from all over the world compete, selected the best up-and-coming string quartets and piano trios. The two first prizes went to Trio Bohémo and Trio Pantoum, while the Chaos String Quartet and Trio Incendio were each runner-ups.

What is the Houskapreis? 13 Projects Nominated for the B&C Private Foundation Research Award
The nominated projects for the Houskapreis 2023, the research prize of the B&C Private Foundation, have been determined. But what is the renowned Austrian Houska Prize all about?

Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen Met the Departing Czech President Milos Zeman

Austrian Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen made an Official visit to the Czech head of state, who is leaving office after two terms.

A Historic Agreement Was Reached After Years of Talks to Protect the World's Oceans

After more than a decade of talks, the UN member states have agreed on a treaty to protect the oceans beyond state jurisdiction better. Climate organizations praised the treaty.

Customs at Vienna Airport Seized 44,830 Counterfeit Branded Products from China
At Vienna Airport, customs officers made a brilliant bust during the inspection of an air cargo in mid-January. In 73 cartons, which should have been transported from China via Austria to Poland, the customs authorities found 44,830 counterfeit products of various product groups and brands.

City of Vienna: Europe's Nuclear Energy Sector is Heavily Dependent on Russia