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Newsletter: Vienna International News
The Rising Cost of Living Is the Biggest Concern for Austrians

A study conducted by the Institute for Empirical Social Research (IFES) on behalf of the trade union GPA shows that – among other things – the rise of living cost are causing the biggest headaches for Austrians. Other subjects of worry are the worsening of the healthcare system and the rising gap between the poor and rich.

OSCE Opens a Women’s Education and Support Center in Uzbekistan
The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) project coordinator in Uzbekistan opens a women’s education center in the Tashkent region. This center will be responsible for promoting gender equality throughout the region.

Austria Promotes Energy Research with 17 Million Euros
The Climate and Energy Fund promotes innovations for clean, affordable and reliable energy supply. The aim is to strengthen Austria as a location for innovation and to improve export opportunities for the domestic economy. A total of 17 million euros is available for the program, endowed from the funds of the Ministry of Climate Protection (BMK).