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Newsletter: Vienna International News
Beginning for Electricity Price Brake in Austria

Without further application, the electricity price brake comes into effect for every household with an existing electricity contract. The electricity cost brake is intended to counteract the current price increases for electricity. This will be visible on the electricity bill. According to the government, households can save an average of 500 euros per year.

Counterfeiting Cargo Shipment at Vienna Airport Disguised as "Aid Delivery" to Ukraine

Based on a tip-off, the route and the type of packaging, a shipment from Hong Kong via Dubai was subjected to a detailed customs check during a focal point inspection at the customs warehouse at Vienna Airport. As a result, it turned out to be a direct hit: 6,420 pieces of presumably counterfeit branded products were found in 168 cartons. These were disguised as an "aid delivery" to Ukraine.

Austria Gives 8 Million Euros to Syria and Jordan
The Syrian conflict, which has been going on for more than 10 years, has led to one of the world's biggest humanitarian crises. The precarious situation on the ground and in neighboring Jordan, where many Syrian refugees are, is worsening and a political solution to the conflict is not in sight. Austria's humanitarian aid on the ground is helping to prevent illegal migration to Europe, the government said.