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Newsletter: Vienna International News
Vienna Conference on Journalist Safety 2022

On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the United Nations Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists, the Austrian Foreign Ministry, together with the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, hosted the Vienna Conference on the Safety of Journalists. The conference, entitled "Safety of Journalists: Protecting media to protect democracy" was attended by more than 400 representatives of governments, international organizations, media and civil society.

Austrians Largely Rate Coexistence with Ukrainian Displaced Persons as Positive
Since the start of the Ukraine war in February, around 85,000 Ukrainian displaced persons have been registered in Austria. According to the Austrian Integration Fund, the integration barometer on the coexistence of people with and without a migration background explains that 64 percent see the coexistence of Austrians and Ukrainians as positive and, as a survey on the Ukraine war, provides information on attitudes and moods toward the integration of Ukrainian displaced persons in Austria.

Austrian Federal Chamber of Commerce and EU-Mercosur Agreement
The Association Agreement between the European Union and MERCOSUR countries, such as Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay, includes provisions on political dialogue, cooperation and trade. For the Austrian Federal Chamber of Commerce, the agreement is a fair trade deal that increases exports and jobs, and high social and environmental standards remain untouched. The EU would be the first region to conclude an agreement with Mercosur.

Austria at Western Balkans Conference in Berlin