Newsletter: Vienna International News

Czech Republic and Slovakia Remember Prague Spring

The Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic commemorated the Warsaw Pact invasion of the then Czechoslovak Socialist Republic (CSSR) on August 21, 1968. Especially with the background of Russia's current attack on Ukraine, this day is of special significance.

Vienna Increases Fees for Public Services

The City of Vienna increases the fees for water, sewage, waste disposal as well as the prices of parking tickets. The adjustment of tariffs for municipal services is made in Vienna based on the applicable valorization law.

Russian Permanent Representative is Cited to the Austrian Foreign Ministry

Russia's Permanent Representative to International Organizations in Vienna, Mikhail Ulyanov, reportedly commented in response to a tweet by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy thanking the U.S. for arms deliveries, saying "No mercy for the Ukrainian people!" The Austrian Foreign Ministry is now summoning Ulyanov to "resolutely stand up against such inflammatory statements."

Weekly Briefing: New Economic Developments

The Find out more about this week's developments. The war in Ukraine is also making itself increasingly felt in the Austrian economy. In Vienna, there are new developments in the day-to-day business of diplomacy. Read about the latest developments in diplomacy in Vienna and Austria.