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Newsletter: Vienna International News
War Crimes in Ukraine: Austria Supports International Criminal Court

In order to help uncover the war crimes committed by the Russian army in Ukraine, the state of Austria is providing the International Criminal Court with a sum of 100,000 euros. The sum will be used, among other things, to collect, analyze and process evidence to document the crimes committed.

IAEA on the Current Status of Ukraine's Nuclear Security

The Russian aggression on Ukraine threatens Ukraine's nuclear security. A watchful IAEA is monitoring the situation very closely and expressed concern.

IAEA Director-General Chief Grossi Will Lead Assistance Mission to Ukraine’s Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant

The Russian war of aggression in Ukraine threatens the country's nuclear security. The country has many nuclear power plants and Russian troops were entrenched in Chernobyl until a few weeks ago. To maintain nuclear safety efforts at Chernobyl, Rafael Mariano Grossi, Director-General of the IAEA, will lead an assistance mission to Ukraine’s Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant.

Ljubljana and Vienna Strive for More Intensive Cooperation