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Newsletter: Vienna International News
Arrest of Austrian Journalist Deepens Austria’s Condemnation of Belarus

On the same day that Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg released a statement condemning Belarusian President Lukashenko and recent developments in Belarus, an ORF Journalist and a cameraman were arrested in Minsk. This arrest drew further condemnation from the Austrian Foreign Ministry.

"Quick Prayer and a Jab": St. Stephen's Cathedral Vaccination Street Opens
The City of Vienna has opened another COVID-19 vaccination street, and this time it is at St. Stephen's Cathedral, Austria's most famous church. The offer is part of Vienna's ongoing effort to vaccinate as many people as possible.

Sports and Diplomacy: Austria Accedes to the Saint-Denis Convention

Austria has become the 21st country to ratify the Council of Europe Convention on an Integrated Safety, Security and Service Approach at Football Matches and Other Sports Events. Austrian Interior Minister Karl Nehammer explains that this agreement will help to create a safer environment for fans to enjoy sporting events.

New Permanent Representative of Chile to the United Nations Office at Vienna Presents her Credentials

The new Permanent Representative of Chile to the United Nations Office at Vienna (UNOV), Ms. Belén Constanza Sapag Muñoz de la Peña, presented her credentials to the Director-General of the UNOV, Ms. Ghada Waly. Learn more about her background.