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Newsletter: Vienna International News
Eine Hymne an die Kraft der Natur - Ihr kostenloser Spitzentherapeut in Wien

Fühlen Sie sich manchmal einsam obwohl mitten unter Menschen, überfordert, vom Stress des Alltags, oder einer notwendigen Entscheidung, die Sie seit einer gefühlten Ewigkeit vor sich hinschieben? Wenn dies oder Ähnliches auf Sie zutrifft, dann möchte die Authorin Sie bekannt machen, mit einem der besten Berater aller Zeiten. Dieser greift zurück auf eine jahrtausendelange Erfahrung und ist in den meisten Bezirken Wiens nur wenige Gehminuten von Ihnen entfernt: die Natur!

CTBTO Leadership Election Heads Into Decisive Week

The Vienna-based UN institution of the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) is heading for a hotly contested election for the leadership position of Executive Secretary this week.

Weekly Briefing: Bilateral Agreements Could Replace EU-wide Green Passport
In a number of bilateral talks, Austria has emphasized the need for an EU-wide travel solution for the summer. In case Brussels is not picking up pace, bilateral agreements with European countries could replace the European "Green Passport". Find out more about this week's developments.

World's Most Influential Climate Scientist Works in Research Institute Near Vienna

The Laxenburg-based research institute IIASA - International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis is proud to announce that its Director of Energy, Climate and Environment, Keywan Riahi, has been ranked first on the Reuters Hot List of the Worlds Top Climate Scientists. In total, nine IIASA researchers made it onto the ranking of the 1,000 most influential scientists. Read about who these researchers are and why they made it onto the list.

A Hymn to the Power of Nature - Your Free Top Therapist in Vienna
Do you sometimes feel lonely in the midst of people, overwhelmed by the stress of everyday life or a necessary decision, that you have been putting off for what feels like an eternity? If this or something similar applies to you, then the author wants to introduce you to one of the best consultants of all time. This one draws on thousands of years of experience and is only a few minutes` walk from you in most districts of Vienna: nature!

Viennese Start-Up Event Reaches 10 Million People

The Viennese startup event ViennaUP'21, which took place from April 27 to May 12 in a virtual format, can be viewed as a success. The reasons behind its success, the highlights of the event as well as what remains can be found out here!

Schallenberg and Central 5: "Restore Cross-Border Travel as soon as Possible"