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Newsletter: Vienna International News
Austrian "Hate in the Net" Draft Law Takes Online Platform in Responsibility

The draft law against "Hate in the Net" obliges online platforms to introduce an effective reporting procedure and to delete unlawful content immediately. The third major point is the issue of a contact person including an address.

Vienna International Centre - Live-Ticker Coronavirus Situation: Several New Positive COVID-19 Cases, 380 Cases in Total
The Vienna International Centre (VIC, UNO City) and the Vienna International Centre Medical Service are reporting new positive COVID-19 cases. The total number of VIC personnel who have tested positive is 380. Below you can see the latest updates of the four main Vienna-based United Nations organizations (United Nations Office at Vienna/UN Office on Drugs and Crime, the International Atomic Energy Agency, the UN Industrial Development Organization and the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization), as announced by UNIS and provided by the Vienna International Centre Medical Service. Regular updates on the number of cases of are no longer issued

COVID-19 Infected Student at Vienna International School
At the Vienna International School one student got tested positive for the Coronavirus. Six students need to quarantine now for 10 days. The rest of the students and staff is authorised to further attend school normally.

Hungary Recognizes Sobotka for Development of Bilateral Relations

The Hungarian government has awarded Austria's President of the National Council Sobotka the Commander's Cross for his efforts to further bilateral relations between the two countries and to promote the perception of Hungary's position in the EU.

Austrian Technology Company Kapsch Will Cut Around 400 Jobs

Vienna-based company Kapsch is likely to cut about 400 jobs globally in the near future. The company has commenced a transformation program that will allow it to be successful in the future.

Vienna International School: Lisa Biasillo Appointed as New Director

At the beginning of the new school year a change of leadership took place at VIS - Vienna International School. After 10 years at the top, Mrs. Lisa Biasillo has taken over from Mr. Peter Murphy as the new director.

Massive Drop in the Austrian Service Sector Turnover in 2nd Quarter of 2020
The service sector experienced a major decrease in turnover by 27.9% less than in the same timeframe of the previous year. The sectors "accommodation and gastronomy" and "other economic services" like travel agencies declined at the most.

International Elementary School in Vienna-Grinzing Has Opened Its Gates
The new private international elementary school "Meridian International School" in Vienna's noble 19th district, with a special focus on languages, promises to give students a head start in life and prepare them for the multilingual environment of the future.

Climate and Energy Goals: Additional Measures Will Be Needed for Austria