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Newsletter: Politics, Business and Health in Times of the Coronavirus
Information Campaign on Coronavirus in 11 Foreign Languages

As part of an information campaign for people with a migration background on how to contain the coronavirus (COVID-19), extensive information is now available in 11 foreign languages, including Arabic, Chinese, Dari/Farsi, English, French, Pashto, Polish, Russian, Somali, Turkish and Bosnian-Serbian-Croatian.

Coronavirus in Austria: Live-Ticker (Our live coverage has now concluded)

On this website you can find information and guidance in English from Vindobona.org regarding the current outbreak of the coronavirus pandemie (COVID-19) in Austria. Vindobona.org is being informed by local Austrian and global health authorities to rapidly disseminate information and knowledge on this new virus, and to provide advice to travellers and expats on measures to protect health and prevent the spread of this outbreak. Please visit this page for daily updates.

Coronavirus in Austria: Update
The coronavirus pandemic has also hit Austria, and deaths and infections caused by coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) are still on the rise. New officially confirmed cases of disease are constantly being added. Despite this outbreak in Austria, the situation looks much worse elsewhere. In contrast, however, there are more than 610,797 deaths worldwide due to the Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2). The Austrian health authorities are networked with the relevant bodies within the framework of WHO and EU membership and are in permanent coordination. The international authorities monitor current developments and address the member countries with the following recommendations.

Budget Statement: Do What Is Necessary

Finance Minister Blümel: "No one knows how long this crisis will last. No one knows what effects it will have. But we do know that we will do everything we can to maintain the health of Austrians, to secure jobs and to carry the location through the crisis. Whatever the cost."

Coronavirus in Europe: Update
European coronavirus infections have passed 1,000,000. The number of deaths has now reached 166,007. According to the WHO World Health Organisation, the epicentre of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) is still in Europe, together with the US, where there are now more deaths than in the rest of the world. The number of infected and dead people is still doubling every four days in most European countries. Most of the 32 European countries presented in this study are under a state of emergency with curfews and border controls. There is also a lack of doctors, lung respiratory equipment and hospital beds. Following the situation update for the European Union, EEA, United Kingdom and Switzerland, as of April 21, 2020.

Austria's Federal State Tyrol Under Total Quarantine

The province of Tyrol with 1.8 million inhabitants has issued a quarantine regulation for all 279 Tyrolean communities. Governor Platter: "That Tyrol isolates itself is absolutely necessary."

COVID-19 Fear: 750 Austrians Brought back Home by Plane
According to the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation (ORF), about 750 Austrians who were stranded abroad due to the coronavirus pandemic have been flown back to Vienna in cooperation with the Foreign Ministry and two airlines. It is not clear who will bear the costs.

Again Border Controls between Germany and Austria

In the wake of the supposed corona danger coming from Germany, Austria has been further sealing itself off from its neighbours since today. According to Minister of the Interior Nehammer, this measure represents "one of many important ones to stop the spread of the corona virus". Medical certificate needed.

COVID-19 Measures in Vienna: Impact on Public Life
Nothing's the way it was. In order to contain the spread of the coronavirus, the freedom of movement in public spaces has been massively restricted. There are new rules for social contacts, sports fields, events, gastronomy, food supply, municipal supply, public transport, driving cars and dog owners. What remains allowed? What am I still allowed to do, what is no longer allowed?

UN Vienna at the Home Office: Instead of 5000 Staff, only 250

The VIC Vienna International Centre informed today that the order that the staff of the four major UN agencies stationed at the VIC should work from home is bearing fruit, and that only about 250 would come to the VIC. Further measures to reduce attendance are planned.

Coronavirus Prohibitions in Austria - Which Shops and Services are still Open?
Many people are confused due to the short-term decision to prohibit access to the customer area of business premises of retail and service companies as well as leisure and sports businesses, and wonder which essential items and services of daily life are still available. Below is a current list in force since Monday, 16 March 2020.

Coronavirus Prohibitions in Austria - Where Can I Still Fly To?

Expats and internationals in Austria have to make the sometimes difficult decision these days whether to stay, or to return to their countries of origin, or maybe even to escape somewhere else entirely. Our report and the collection of links answer the questions, where can I still travel from Vienna by plane, which countries are already blocked and how can I best handle cancellations, rebookings and refunds.

By Car in Vienna: City Suspends Short Term Parking Zones
The City of Vienna is lifting the existing short-term parking zone regulation for a limited period of time because many people are increasingly using their cars again for fear of infection with the coronavirus. Garage spaces will also become cheaper.

COVID-19: "How do we get through this, Mr. President?"
Alexander Van der Bellen spoke to the "Kronen Zeitung" about an unprecedented threat: "In Austria we want to avoid a situation in hospitals where doctors have to decide who gets the oxygen, the 70-year-old or the 60-year-old."

Biggest Health Crisis of the Last Decades - Current Legal COVID-19 Measures in Detail
The next four weeks will decide on the health of many, says the Austrian Minister of Health. What legal bans are in force as of today...

First COVID-19 Case at Vienna International Centre Confirmed

The VIC Vienna International Centre (UNO-City) confirms the first case of coronavirus infection, according to which a person who was thought to have contracted influenza as early as 2 March is now infected with coronavirus after all. According to the VIC, none of the first responders have developed any symptoms in the last 14 days.

Austrian Airlines Terminates Flight Operations

Austrian Airlines is temporarily suspending its regular flight operations from Wednesday night. The last flight will arrive in Vienna on Thursday morning from Chicago. All further flights until at least March 28, 2020, or "until further notice" are cancelled. The airline is aware of its responsibility, will cooperate with the Austrian government and try to bring home as many Austrians as possible. One long-haul and one medium-haul aircraft will remain in use for emergency and relief flights.

Laudamotion Ceases Air Operations

Following today's announcement that Austrian Airlines will cease flight operations with effect from Wednesday, Ryanair's subsidiary Laudamotion will cease flight operations with immediate effect.

COVID-19 Bill Adopted by National Council and Upper House of Parliament

Both the National Council and the Federal Council today approved the major legislative package to deal with the coronavirus crisis. The signing by the Federal President took already place this evening.

Austria Suspends Travel also with Great Britain, Russia, the Netherlands and Ukraine
After Italy, Switzerland, Spain, France, Iran and parts of China, Austria is now also discontinuing air and rail traffic with Great Britain, the Netherlands, Russia and Ukraine.

Corona: How do I tell my kid, and all those guys who do not want to hear it?

A simple but entertaining video by the City of Vienna, explains to children and adults alike what Corona is all about and clearly explains the measures that are now necessary for developing a sense of responsibility for one's fellow human beings.

COVID-19: Closure of Border Crossing Points with Italy Formally Adopted

Austrian National Council approves closure of 47 border crossings with Italy.

Austrian Province of Tyrol Orders Curfew
The province of Tyrol, which is particularly hard hit by the coronavirus pandemic, is imposing a curfew.

Austria: Green Light for Comprehensive Coronavirus Bill

The COVID 19 crisis management fund has been granted €4 billion. What specific measures are included in this package?

Austrian Government Says It is Prepared to Pump Virtually Unlimited Money into Economy

The Federal Government announced today that an aid package of up to 38 billion euros is being prepared to deal with the consequences of the coronavirus.

Coronavirus Crisis in Austria: Four Billion Euro Package for the Economy

The Austrian government today cancelled the budgetary "zero deficit" for 2020 and announced the provision of four billion euros for immediate measures.

COVID-19: Further Drastic Measures - Reduction of Social Life to a Minimum
In order to slow down the spread of the virus, it is necessary for the Austrian population to continue to take consistent measures, in particular to reduce social contacts to a minimum in the near future.

Austrian Embassies and Consulates Suspend the Issue of Visas

In view of the coronavirus crisis, which has also erupted in Austria, and the related efforts to restrict travel and visits, the Austrian diplomatic missions, i.e. embassies and consulates worldwide, saw themselves forced to suspend the processing of visas.

American International School in Vienna Moves to Distance Learning

Vienna's school for children of expats, the "American International School", will close both the High School and Elementary and Middle Schools and move to distance learning, following the WHO's statement, which classifies the spread of COVID-19 as a global pandemic. The school informs, that there are currently no confirmed cases at AIS Vienna.

COVID-19 at the VIC - IAEA Director General's Message: "The IAEA continues"

Vienna-based nuclear agancy implements drastic measures following recommendations from Austrian authorities.