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Coronavirus in Austria: Live-Ticker (Our live coverage has now concluded)

On this website you can find information and guidance in English from Vindobona.org regarding the current outbreak of the coronavirus pandemie (COVID-19) in Austria. Vindobona.org is being informed by local Austrian and global health authorities to rapidly disseminate information and knowledge on this new virus, and to provide advice to travellers and expats on measures to protect health and prevent the spread of this outbreak. Please visit this page for daily updates.

Israel Issues Entry Ban for Austrians
Out of concern about the spread of the coronavirus, Israel is extending the tightened entry requirements to Austria as well as Italy, Germany, Spain, France and Switzerland. The prohibition includes the holding international conferences in Israel.

Austria Supports Start of Accession Negotiations with North Macedonia

Karoline Edtstadler calls for a speedy start of accession negotiations with North Macedonia and assures Austria's full support.

What Does the Austrian Government Propose Against the Virus?

The Federal Chancellery is now addressing the public with information and advice on prevention against the coronavirus.

COVID-19: Current Key Figures from Vienna
In Vienna there are 4,572 positive coronavirus test results so far. As of today, 202 people in Vienna have died of the corona virus and 3,921 have recovered. Throughout Austria there are 19,670 confirmed COVID-19 infections, 711 deaths and 17,659 patients have recovered.

Law Firm Wolf Theiss: Update on the Corona Virus Tests

The complete results of Wolf Theiss' corona virus testing of the employees in Vienna are now available: 3 employees positive, 293 employees negative.

Coronavirus in Austria: Update
The coronavirus pandemic has also hit Austria, and deaths and infections caused by coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) are still on the rise. New officially confirmed cases of disease are constantly being added. Despite this outbreak in Austria, the situation looks much worse elsewhere. In contrast, however, there are more than 610,797 deaths worldwide due to the Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2). The Austrian health authorities are networked with the relevant bodies within the framework of WHO and EU membership and are in permanent coordination. The international authorities monitor current developments and address the member countries with the following recommendations.

COVID-19: Meeting between Donald Trump and Chancellor Kurz postponed

The Austrian Federal Chancellery has confirmed, that the follow-up meeting between Sebastian Kurz and Donald Trump has been postponed.

Coronavirus: Austria's "Containment Strategy"
The latest developments concerning the coronavirus were the dominant topic of today's debate in the Health Committee of the Austrian Parliament.

EC Renews Talks with North Macedonia and Albania

The process of rapprochement between the two Western Balkan countries and the EU European Union, supported by Austria, now seems to be gaining momentum again after the EU Commission today reiterated its recommendation to open accession talks with Albania and North Macedonia.

Austrian Airlines Cancels Further Flights to Italy, China and Iran Still Suspended

Due to falling demand for flights to Italy as a result of the corona crisis, Austrian Airlines is cancelling 40 percent of its flights to Italy in March and April. Flights to Tehran (Iran) will continue to be suspended until 30 April 2020 and flights to Beijing and Shanghai (China) until 24 April 2020.

Austrian People's Party Vienna: Gernot Blümel Re-elected with 96.8 Percent

State party leader (and current Finance Minister) Gernot Blümel was confirmed and re-elected by the state party conference of the New People's Party (ÖVP) of Vienna with 96.8 percent as Vienna's state party leader. "Historical chance for Vienna to be re-governed." Criticism of Mercer's study.

Coronavirus: Austrian Airlines Is Forced to Cut 20% of the Entire European Flight Schedule

The airline is cancelling 20 percent of the flights in the "entire continental network" during the month of March, i.e. the entire route network within Europe. Twelve short- and medium-haul aircraft will remain on the ground altogether.

Vienna Airport - Good Results 2019, but Coronavirus is Uncertainty Factor

Vienna International Airport (Flughafen Wien) is pleased to report an increase of +7.2% in revenues and +15.7% in net profit, but the strong growth in the number of passengers during the past year has now been countered by a major uncertainty factor with the corona virus crisis.

Portrait: New Permanent Representative of Poland H.E. Dr. Dominika Krois Presents Credentials

Recently, Ms. Dominika Krois became the Permanent Representative of the Republic of Poland to the United Nations Office and the International Organisations in Vienna.

Corona Virus: City of Vienna Established Tourist Care Centre

In the case of positively tested patients who do not have the possibility of a suitable home quarantine in the Vienna area (e.g. tourists, trade fair and conference visitors), 58 care places are now available for them.

Austrian Airlines Confirms Flight Irregularities Due to Coronavirus
The airline is aware of the danger and spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) and the fact that this is causing concern to passengers, but at the same time reaffirms that the safety of passengers and staff is always the company's top priority.

Austria - China Travel Warning: High Security Risk
The Austrian Foreign Ministry has raised its travel warning level for Mainland China to "security level 4", in other words "high security risk". Austrian Airlines offers rebooking and refunding options.

Red Cross Austria on Corona: Situation is Stable

The Austrian Red Cross has already carried out more than 500 infection transports and 800 coronavirus sample collections.

Vienna Stock Exchange: Mayr-Melnhof and BAWAG on the Rise

BAWAG Bank, Austria's fourth-largest bank in terms of total assets, rises to become the fifth-largest listed company on the Vienna Stock Exchange. The cartonboard producer Mayr-Melnhof replaces FACC in the ATX.

Gambling: CEO Neumann Abruptly Left Novomatic

The Group has been in the limelight for a year because of a corruption scandal. Official reasons for the departure are "family reasons", but various media are reporting disagreements with Johann Graf, sole shareholder of the two parent companies Novo Invest GmbH (Austria) and NOVO Swiss AG (Switzerland). Ryszard Presch and Johannes Gratzl are jointly taking over his task.

Town Charter of Vindobona Discovered