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Newsletter: About Holocaust, Coronavirus, Schwarzenegger and Ambassadors Reception
Reception of Austria-Accredited Ambassadors in the Federal Chancellery

The new Austrian Federal Government is in favour of continuing multilateral cooperation, especially in cooperation with the European countries.

UN Executive Director Yury Fedotov Bids Farewell to Vienna

The Russian diplomat Yury Fedotov, who was - until December 31, 2019 - the Executive Director of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and also the Director-General of the UN Office at Vienna (UNOV) has now officially taken his leave.

Is Vienna Prepared for the Novel Coronavirus?
In the meantime, there are four suspected cases of the coronavirus in Austria, which is suspected to be derived from snakes. Vienna has drawn up its own influenza pandemic plan for the city based on the federal pandemic plan.

Remembering the Holocaust: A Perpetual Task

The Austrian Parliament commemorated the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp.

Holocaust Remembrance Day: Fighting Anti-Semitism with All Strengths

Jews should feel safe in Europe and be able to live without fear of attacks.

Schwarzenegger in Vienna: Kick-off for Climate Conference

Arnold Schwarzenegger and Federal Chancellor Kurz stress the need for effective climate protection.

Russian Embassy: Economic Networking Russia and Austria

In order to promote economic relations between the two countries, Ambassador Dmitrij Ljubinskij invited about 160 members of the Wirtschaftsforum der Führungskräfte (WdF) to the Russian Embassy in Vienna (Nassaupalais - Palais Simon Vienna).

Sobotka in Rome Promotes EU Enlargement Towards the Western Balkans

Meetings with top Italian politicians, but also the commemoration of the Shoah were the focus of a visit by Wolfgang Sobotka to Rome.

Corona Virus: Austrian Airlines Suspends Flights to Mainland China
AUA Austrian Airlines will suspend its flights to and from Beijing and Shanghai. Also its parent company Lufthansa, and Swiss International Air Lines will suspend their flights to and from Mainland China until February 9th.

Karl Nehammer Takes Over Austrian Ministry of the Interior

The new Minister of the Interior Karl Nehammer recently introduced himself to the executives of the Ministry of the Interior during the handover of office. He had previously been sworn in at the Hofburg by Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen. Wolfgang Peschorn returns to his position as President of the State Financial Procurator's Office.

Digital Tax: Google Charges Customers

The search engine operator Google wants to collect the new digital tax, which has been levied in Austria since January on income from online advertising by international corporations, in its entirety from its advertising customers.

Schwarzenegger's Interest in the Jewish History of Vienna