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Newsletter: South African New Boss of International Research Organization
South African to Lead Global Research Institute IIASA in Laxenburg near Vienna

Vice Chancellor of South Africa’s University of KwaZulu-Natal, Dr Albert S. van Jaarsveld, has been appointed as Director General and CEO of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA). Dr. Albert van Jaarsveld has become the eleventh Director General of IIASA on 1 October 2018. He succeeds outgoing Director General Professor Pavel Kabat who became the first Chief Scientist of the United Nation’s World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

Austro-Arab Energy Community Meets in Vienna to Discuss International Cooperation

The 10th Arab-Austrian Economic Forum & Exhibition took place in Vienna yesterday, organized by the AACC Austro-Arab Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with the City of Vienna and the Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RECREEE). Under the general theme "Energy Transition - Urban Technology and Sustainable Cities", New Opportunities for International Cooperation and Partnerships, representatives from EU institutions, international organizations, funds, European and international financial institutions as well as ministers and high-ranking personalities from the Arab economy met representatives of the local economy, politics and business community. Participants included Nabil R. Kuzbari, Richard Schenz, Michael Ludwig, Omar Al-Rawi, Mahdi Allak, Johannes Peterlik, Samir Koubaa, Michael Esterl and Li Yong.

Updated Directory of Foreign Ambassadors in Austria 2019
Below you will find the updated Vindobona.org list of foreign ambassadors and representatives of the bilateral and multilateral missions and representations in Vienna, Austria (including description of persons, pictures, CVs, etc.).

Outlook - Chinese Tourists and the Destination Austria

With around 900,000 arrivals (+23%) and 1.3 million overnight stays (+25%) in 2017, China is Austria's most important Asian market of origin with the greatest growth potential. From January to July 2018, Austria also recorded record figures with around 542,000 arrivals (+ 8.2) and around 781,000 overnight stays (+ 11.5 %) from China.

Official Visit of the Belgian Royal Couple to Vienna

Belgian King Philippe and his wife Mathilde paid a visit to Austria on the occasion of the opening of the Pieter Bruegel the Elder exhibition (Vindobona reported). In addition to the opening in the Kunsthistorisches Museum, the programme included receptions with Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen and Mayor Michael Ludwig, as well as a visit to the National Library. For the royal couple this is their first official visit to Austria since their accession to the throne.

Danube Region Business Forum - Infrastructure and Its Implications on Business in CEE and SEE

The Danube Region is one of the traditionally important markets for Central European regions and companies. However, the infrastructure of this region does not yet meet the requirements of the economy. The 8th Danube Region Business Forum will take place on 9 October 2018 at the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber in Vienna. The aim of the forum is to ensure that the infrastructural quality and cooperations in the region meet the requirements of the economy.

What Do You Know About the Austrian Federal President Van der Bellen

Alexander Van der Bellen is an Austrian economist, former politician of the Green Party and since 26 January 2017 ninth Austrian Federal President of the Second Republic.

Ambassador Leena Al-Hadid Takes Over as New Chairperson of IAEA Board of Governors

The new Jordanian Ambassador to Austria and to the international organizations in Vienna, H.E. Mrs. Leena Al-Hadid, who recently presented Austrian Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen with her letter of accreditation at the Vienna Hofburg, was also elected this week by the IAEA Board of Governors as the Chairperson of the IAEA's Board of Governors for 2018-2019.

Macedonian Community in Austria: 25th Anniversary of the Macedonian Orthodox Church

According to estimates, 25,000 Macedonians, including many from other parts of the former Yugoslavia, live in Austria. Despite the upcoming historic referendum in the Republic of Macedonia, it could be learned from diplomatic circles, that on the occasion of the Macedonia Austria Days in Vienna and on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Macedonian Orthodox Church in Austria a concert of a traditional Macedonian folk dance orchestra with dances and songs and a reception with traditional wines and dishes from Macedonia was held.

Key Border Control Strategies Identified at UNODC's Annual Law Enforcement Experts Meeting

A working document on informal standards for border management and control was drafted and shared with participants at UNODC's annual Law Enforcement Advisors Meeting (LEA), held recently in Vienna. The annual meeting allowed for the exchange of best practices within UNODC and with partners.

Austrian State and Industrial Holding will be Reorganized Again

The holding company of the Austrian federal shareholdings (ÖBIB) is to be restructured and given a new boss. The existing structures created by the red-black predecessor government will soon be history again. The law for a new holding company of the Republic is to be examined in the next few days. Its boss is to be Thomas Schmid, general secretary in the Federal Ministry of Finance.

Made in Vienna: Immigration to Europe - Safe, Orderly and Regular