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Newsletter: Austria on Its Way to Achieving First Budget Surplus in 65 Years
Austria's Double Budget 2018/2019 - Cautious Optimism

Finance Minister Hartwig Löger (ÖVP) presented his first budget. Austria's new federal government wants to earn more than it spends. The double budget for 2018 and 2019 should herald a new era. The Austrian state has been spending more than it takes for 65 years and this is to be reversed for the first time in 2019. Debt policy is to be ended. A budget surplus of 541 million euros is to be achieved and thus a turning point in budget policy. Most money should be spent on pensions, least on health.

Austrian Attaché at Tel Aviv Embassy Poses in T-Shirt of Right-Wing Identitarians

Austrian Foreign Minister Karin Kneissl has recalled Jürgen-Michael Kleppich, Attaché at the Austrian Embassy in Tel Aviv. The reason for this are media reports that shortly after Kleppich moved to Israel in January 2018, he posted a picture of himself in a T-shirt from the shop of right-wing extremist Identitarian Movement on Facebook.

Vienna Forever the Most Livable of All Cities?

For the ninth time in a row, Vienna has been ranked number 1 worldwide in the Mercer Quality of Living ranking. Vienna owes this to the generous and liberal spending policy of the city government of recent decades. In view of the expected budget cuts, it remains to be seen whether Vienna will be able to maintain this leading position in the future.

Ryanair Acquires 75 Percent of LaudaMotion

The Irish low-cost airline Ryanair is paying 100 million euros for the share. Ryanair will initially take over 24.9 percent of Laudamotion and intends to increase it to 75 percent, subject to the approval of the EU competition authority. The airline founder will continue to be in charge.

Analysis: Vienna's 900 Years of Close Ties With Former Tax Haven Liechtenstein

Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen visited the Principality of Liechtenstein during a state visit to Vaduz. After 14 months, he has finally visited the last of Austria's neighbouring countries. The state was known as a tax haven until November 2013. The Liechtenstein tax affair and offshore leaks have contributed to the neighbouring country signing an international agreement to prevent tax evasion.

80th Anniversary of Mexico’s Protest Against Anschluss of Austria to Hitler-Germany

On 19 March 1938 Mexico submitted a note of protest to the League of Nations against the annexation of Austria by Nazi Germany (known as “Anschluss”). At that time Mexico was the only member of the League of Nations to issue a written protest.

OECD's Angel Gurría and IIASA Agree to Tackle Critical Global Problems Facing Humanity

OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) Secretary-General Angel Gurira led a high-level OECD delegation to visit IIASA. The Secretary-General gave a special lecture titled "Better Policies to meet the Systemic Challenges of the 21st Century" at the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research, which was followed by the signing of an OECD-IIASA Memorandum of Understanding. The aim of the agreement is to jointly shape and develop innovative policies by applying systems thinking to the critical global issues facing humanity.

Expat Advise: How Does the Austrian Tax and Social Security System Work?

If you are moving to Vienna as an expat or are already living here with employment income and want to find your way around the complicated Austrian tax and social security system, Vindobona recommends attending an interesting event organised by the Vienna Business Agency and Deloitte Austria.

Gisela Stuart: How Does a Europe-Endorsing German-British MP Become a Brexite Proponent?

Gisela Stuart, born and raised in West Germany and a Member of the British parliament (Labour party, 1997 – 2017), will give a guest lecture at the IWM - Institute for Human Sciences. She will answer the question of how an EU advocate can turn into a passionate advocate for Brexit.

Vienna City Marathon 2018: Get Ready for the 35th Jubilee Race