Vienna International Community - Top Entrepreneurs - Latest Headlines

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Österreichische Kontrollbank: "There are no Failures to be Feared"

Despite the unpredictable political and economic consequences of the turmoil in the Arab, OeKB Member of the Board Rudolf Scholten consideres that there will be no failures.

March 12, 2011

Significant Savings Potential by the Administration

Efficiency potential in public expenditure of over € 500 million. Felderer: "Significant savings potential”.

March 11, 2011

Verbund Supervisory Board Appoints Members of the Board

The Austrian energy company appoints Günther Rabensteiner as a new board member. Baumgartner-Gabitzer’s Term renewed.

March 11, 2011

Ruttenstorfer: "OMV Stays in Libya '

Despite unpredictable developments, Austrian OMV stays in Libya. Neither are there any changes planned in other Arab countries.

March 10, 2011

Economic Chamber Demands Redeployment of "Manual Workers Regulation" in Favor of Research

The Austrian Economic Chamber presented a list of demands to the federal government. Critics say it is to no purpose.

March 10, 2011

Leitl Favors EU Financial Transaction Tax

The President of the Austrian Economic Chamber says: "The EU Parliamen has taken an important step towards EU financial transaction tax"

March 10, 2011

Austria's Businesses Satisfied with Government Research Initiative

The strategy of the Federal Government regarding RTI (Research, Technology and Innovation) is an important step for the location Austria, according to the opinion of the Economic Chamber.

March 9, 2011

Austria's Construction Industry Expects Stagnation

In an interview with the newspaper "WirtschaftsBlatt", the CEO of the Porr construction company, Karl-Heinz Strauss, describes his prospects for the local construction industry.

March 8, 2011

Signa Holding Invests More than € 1.00bn

The Austrian real estate holding company conducted by Rene Benko intends to put strong effort into further growth.

March 7, 2011

Magna Europe in Euphoria

The Austrian-Canadian automotive supplier intends to increase car production significantly.

March 6, 2011

Leitl: "Research Support Should Be Pushed Now!"

The President of the Austrian Economic Chamber (WKÖ) speaks in favor of increasing the research bonus.

March 5, 2011

Mitterlehner: Further Expansion of Economic Relations with Colombia

Meeting with Colombia's Vice-President Garzón: New Memorandum of Understanding on economic cooperation is planned.

March 4, 2011

FPÖ Intends to Establish Itself as an Economic Party

In an interview with the "Wirtschaftsblatt", FPÖ chairman Heinz-Christian Strache says that the party wishes to address entrepreneurs more strongly in future.

March 3, 2011

Savings Planned at Vienna International Airport

According to CEO Christoph Herbst, a "two-digit million amount" is to be saved this year.

March 1, 2011

WKÖ: Development Plan for North Africa

Given the dramatic situation in North Africa, Christoph Leitl, President of the Economic Chamber (WKÖ) pleads for a ‘European Marshall Plan'.

March 1, 2011

Erste Group: State Aid to be Refunded

The CEO of Erste Group, Andreas Treichl, is considering paying back the state money for the amount of € 1.2bn.

February 26, 2011

Tightening of Credit Policy Expected

The new Basel III rules will result in a tightening in lending, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises.

February 25, 2011

Leitl Fears Falling Back behind Asia

During a state visit to Singapore the President of the Austrian Economic Chamber (WKÖ) again urges the Austrian government to undertake reforms.

February 24, 2011

Libya: OMV Foresees no Shortages

The CEO of the Austrian OMV considers not to have underestimated the risks in Libya.

February 24, 2011

Increase of Inflation Forecast

The Austrian Institute of Advanced Studies (IHS) increases its inflation expectations to 2.4% due to the increase in energy prices

February 24, 2011

Leitl Demands More Support for SMEs

The Small Business Act must be also implemented at national level in a sustained way, says the President of the Austrian Economic Chamber.

February 24, 2011

Molterer Nominated as Vice-President of the EIB

Former Vice-Chancellor and Finance Minister Wilhelm Molterer is nominanted as candidate for Vice-President of the European Investment Bank (EIB).

February 23, 2011

Manufacturing Industry Welcomes Red-White-Red Card"

IV-President Sorger: Innovative immigration system is an incentive for highly skilled workers; the abolition of the quota is a major political location signal.

February 23, 2011

WKÖ: "Clear Commitment to the Brenner Base Tunnel is Needed”

The chairman of the Austrian Economic Chamber considers the tunnel between Italy and Austria as a pioneering infrastructure project.

February 23, 2011

Palfinger Announces Generation Change in its Supervisory Board

Hubert Palfinger and Alexander Exner retire from the Board. Hannes Palfinger and Heinrich Dieter Kiener are first-time nominees for election to the Board.

February 23, 2011

Wienerberger Still in the Red

The Austrian brick manufacturer experiences declining sales. Losses were reduced.

February 23, 2011

Brenner Tunnel: ÖBB will not pay

The Austrian Federal Railways will only accept to build the tunnel for € 10bn, if the costs are passed on to the state.

February 22, 2011

Austrian Economic Chamber pursues contacts in New Zealand

A business delegation led by WKÖ President Leitl visits New Zealand and Australia to strenghten economic relations.

February 22, 2011

Austrian Economic Chamber in Singapore

The Austrian Economic Chamber’s delegation pursues contacts with potential partners during the state visit of President Fischer.

February 22, 2011

Minister for Social Affairs: Retirement Age to be Raised

The Austrian Minister for Social Affairs, Rudolf Hundstorfer, intends to raise the retirement age until 2025.

February 19, 2011

The IHS insists on higher retirement age

The Institute of Advanced Studies (IHS) admonishes the Austrian government to raise the retirement age.

February 18, 2011

Lufthansa Increases Pressure on AUA

The German parent company intends to convert the previously loss-making Austrian Airlines into a profitable company at last.

February 18, 2011

Strong Growth for bauMax

The do-it-yourself group increased its sales in Austria and Eastern Europe in 2010.

February 18, 2011

Austria's Budget Deficit is Lower than Expected

The preliminary budget outcome for 2010 is 0.6% better than forecast. However, the results of the ÖBB could increase the deficit again.

February 17, 2011

OMV: "Turkey as a Bridge for Oil and Gas Wells in the region"

The Austrian oil company, which has already invested € 2.0bn in Turkey, considers the location a starting point for the Middle East.

February 17, 2011

Bizarre Allegations of Meinl against Atrium

The ongoing conflict between the Austrian bank and the US-Israeli real estate fund shows new and unusual facets.

February 16, 2011

Erste Bank Hungary CEO to resign

Edit Papp, the CEO of Erste Bank Hungary, has decided to pursue other professional opportunities and therefore announced her resignation.

February 16, 2011

Eder Favors Further Privatizations

The CEO of Austria's largest steel company, voestalpine, would like to see the state pushed away from business still further.

February 15, 2011

ECB: Praet Succeeds Tumpel-Gugerell

The Belgian Peter Praet succeeds the Austrian Gertrude Tumpel-Gugerell as new member of the Executive Board of the ECB (European Central Bank).

February 15, 2011

SPÖ against expanding the ÖIAG

The expansion urged by Industrial Association and the ÖVP meets the resistance of the Social Democratic coalition partner.

February 15, 2011

Magna Pushes its Presence in Emerging Markets

The Austrian-Canadian automotive supplier intends to expand its international presence in the BRIC countries.

February 12, 2011

Kovats Stays On as CEO of A-Tec

The restructuring plan for the insolvent A-Tec has been approved by the shareholders. Due to the lack of an alternative, Kovats stays.

February 12, 2011

Lopatka Demands Structural Reforms and Budgetary Discipline

The State Secretary for Finance at the German-Austrian Financial and Economic Forum.

February 11, 2011

Serious Allegations Against Former AUA CEO

Sheikh Mohamed Al Jaber, who wanted to take over Austrian Airlines in 2008, considers himself to have been seriously deceived by the former management and raises accusations.

February 10, 2011

Jank: Vienna Leads in Company Start-Ups

Almost 8,000 enterprises founded in 2010, a quarter of all Austrian start-ups, comes from Vienna.

February 10, 2011

Hypo Group Changes Leadership in Slovenia

Both the Slovenian subsidiary bank and the leasing company will receive a new leadership for "restructuring reasons".

February 10, 2011

Property Restoration Provides Hopes for Growth and Employment

With the release of € 400m for thermal rehabilitation, five times as much is to be generated in sales. Up to 80% of this amount stays in Austria.

February 10, 2011

Burger is the New Chairman of the Vivatis Group

The food company, owned by RLB Oberösterreich obtains an industry expert with Armin Burger.

February 9, 2011

Eastern Europe Slows Siemens Austria Down

The pre-crisis level has not been reached yet, says CEO Hesoun. Public savings programs prevent the technology company's growth.

February 9, 2011

150 New Bank Austria Branches in Eastern Europe

The new board of the CEE Division of Bank Austria presented the group's expansion plans for Eastern Europe. By 2015, 900 branches are to be added.

February 9, 2011