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Hypo Tirol Continues Restructuring Process

The Supervisory Board of the Austrian regional bank appoints two new board members. Furthermore, withdrawal from Germany and Switzerland is to take place.
April 27, 2011

Al Jaber Intends to make further Investments in Austria

Despite massive criticism of business partners and rumoured illiquidity, the Saudi investor Mohammed Al Jaber wants to realize further investment projects.
April 26, 2011

Kern Leads an Image Campaign for ÖBB

With humorous content, but caused by the serious situation of the Austrian State Railway, CEO Christian Kern intends to promote greater understanding for the Group.
April 26, 2011

Windtner Pleads for expansion of Electricity Grids

The CEO of Energie AG considers that an energy revolution is about to happen in an interview with the newspaper "Kurier". The relevance of electric vehicles is expected to grow slowly but steadily.
April 26, 2011

Al Jaber in Distress

Saudi investor Mohamed Al Jaber has to fight on several fronts in Austria. Kneissl awaits restructuring, loans are due.
April 23, 2011

Lower Austria Seeks Airport Privatization

Lower Austrian Governor Erwin Pröll (ÖVP) intends to sell the 20% share of Vienna International Airport. The city of Vienna is not pleased at all.
April 23, 2011

Energy Prices for Households still on the Rise

Especially mineral oil product prices rose steadily in the first quarter of 2011. Electricity prices remained stable.
April 23, 2011

Interest in Acquiring A-Tec

The Austrian restructurer Erhard Grossnig is interested in acquiring parts of the insolvent A-Tec Group.
April 22, 2011

Austrian Government Reshuffle has been Completed

The resignation of Josef Pröll triggered a reshuffle in the ÖVP. Most of the positions have been filled by now.
April 22, 2011

Herbst’s Withdrawal is Imminent

The CEO of Vienna International Airport, Christoph Herbst, should be about to resign. He is considered to be seeking a position at the Constitutional Court.
April 22, 2011

Fierce Criticism of Austria's Energy Policy

Anschober (Greens): "The Minister of Economy insists on the worst promotion policy of green electricity in Europe: this is hostile to the business and labor market"
April 21, 2011

Rethinking of Health Policy Required

Junge Wirtschaft (Young Business) demands more economic incentives for healthy lifestyles for employees. This should allow an increase in retirement age.
April 19, 2011

Maria Fekter is the New Finance Minister

As part of the changes in the ÖVP government team, Minister for Internal Affairs Maria Fekter changes over to the more prestigious Ministry of Finance
April 16, 2011

BDI – BioEnergy: Management Board Changes

The founders of BDI – BioEnergy International AG, Wilhelm Hammer (64), CEO, and Helmut Gössler (52), CTO, will be leaving the Management Board of the Austrian biotechnology company.
April 16, 2011

Semperit AG Holding: Thomas Fahnemann succeeds Rainer Zellner as CEO

New composition of Management and Supervisory Boards. Annual General Meeting approves dividend of € 1.25 per share.
April 15, 2011

Spindelegger New Vice-Chancellor and Head of ÖVP

Michael Spindelegger succeeds Josef Pröll as leader of the conservative party and Vice-Chancellor. Who will be in charge of the Minister of Finance, is still not clear.
April 15, 2011

Electric Mobility as a Topic of the Future for Domestic Enterprises

Austria's top politicians are expecting a high potential for Austria's economic landscape on occasion of the opening of the EL-MOTION congress.
April 14, 2011

Verbund: Expected Improvement in Earnings for 2011

Wolfgang Anzengruber, CEO of the Austrian energy group Verbund, foresees growth in earnings and a stable result for 2011
April 14, 2011

Vice-Chancellor Pröll Resigns

The Minister of Finance and Vice-Chancelor of Austria, Josef Pröll, decides to leave the political arena.
April 13, 2011

Russia is a New Promising Market for Kapsch

The Austrian technology group has reaped its first contract in Russia. The market has great potential, according to sources from Kapsch.
April 12, 2011

Hundstorfer and Leitl Promote Increase in Retirement Age

The Austrian Minister of Social Affairs as well as the Head of WKÖ (Austrian Economic Chamber, Christoph Leitl, want to reduce public payments for pensions.
April 11, 2011

Leitl: Export Year 2011 Started in a Fulminant Way

Exports increased in January by 26%; the target for the full year is to achieve the pre-crisis year’s record export volume of € 117bn.
April 9, 2011

Kern: "We are Struggling for Survival"

The CEO of the Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB), Christian Kern, paints a dramatic picture of the largest domestic transport company.
April 8, 2011

Leitl: "Austria is Very Well Positioned for the Opening of the Labor Market"

Experts estimate immigration potential to be between 15,000 to 25,000 people; gains from migration for Austria, as from 1 May, about € 900m.
April 8, 2011

Renewable Energy as a Sustainable "Job Driver"

For the President of the Chamber of Agriculture (LK, Landeswirtschaftskammer Österreich), Gerhard Wlodkowski, renewable energies secure an edge on technology and high-quality jobs.
April 6, 2011

Koren Leaves Bawag

Bawag P.S.K. announces that the Deputy Chief Executive Officer Stephan Koren will not be available for an extension of his term of office as of 1 May.
April 5, 2011

Basel III: Leitl Demands Adaptation for SMEs

The implementation of Basel III should take business financing into account, for which reason national support measures are necessary for capital strengthening of small businesses.
April 5, 2011

Mitterlehner PromotesTourism Strategy for Austria

The Minister of Economy is working on a new alliance of federal and provincial governments in order to focus on marketing, subsidies and innovations for the tourism industry.
April 2, 2011

CEO Roiss: "OMV: an international player with Austrian roots"

The new CEO of OMV plans a strategy review on three main areas: regional focus, portfolio development and future challenges.
April 1, 2011

Mitterlehner: New Modernization Partnership Concluded with Russia

Minister of Economy: Investment opportunities for companies boost exports to Russia: innovations and new technologies as growth drivers.
April 1, 2011

Leitl Demands Reduction of Public Debt

The President of the Austrian Economic Chamber sees potential for efficiency in the administration, as well as in the health and pension system
April 1, 2011

Ruttenstorfer leaves OMV

The longtime CEO of OMV, Wolfgang Ruttenstorfer will pass on his position to Gerhard Roiss on April 1.
March 31, 2011

VIG: Supervisory Board Adopts Changes of Group Managing Board

Günter Geyer, 67, will resign as Chairman of the Managing Board of the listed Vienna Insurance Group AG with effect 31 May 2012.
March 31, 2011

AUA: Antinori will Finally Not Become CEO

Three days before his planned entry into Austrian Airlines, Antinori surprisingly announced his withdrawal from the Lufthansa Group.
March 30, 2011

Mitterlehner Intends to Expand Economic Relations with Malaysia

A work meeting was held in Vienna with the Malaysian counterpart. New export opportunities exist primarily through eco-innovation.
March 30, 2011

Vienna Stock Exchange: Management board contracts prolonged for five years

Heinrich Schaller and Michael Buhl will continue their functions as board members of the CEE Stock Exchange Group.
March 30, 2011

Official start of construction of Austria's largest building project

The start of construction of the controversial Koralm tunnel, a railway connection between Carinthia and Styria, has occurred. The 20km long tunnel will be completed in 2022.
March 29, 2011

Manufacturing Industry on Pensions: Structural Reform has to be Adressed Urgently

Manufacturing industry representatives were surprised at ÖGB statements. Instead of early retirements, more funds should be freed for future investments.
March 26, 2011

Leitl Promotes Green Electricity Amendment

The Economic Chamber President welcomes the initiative of the Minister of Economy: green electricity is promoted, reduced the backlog of planned investments.
March 24, 2011 · Updated: March 24, 2011; 01:34

Manufacturing Industry Sharply Criticizes the Union

Employees' proposals are not very productive, the Austrian Industrial Association says. There is no shift from wages toward corporate profits.
March 22, 2011

WKÖ: No EU Interference in Tariff Negotiations

The President of the Austrian Economic Chamber expects no interference from Brussels in domestic collective agreement negotiations.
March 22, 2011

Ikrath: "Bank Tax Should Fall in 2012"

Once the proposed bank rescue fund is set up, there should be no more national bank tax, says Michael Ikrath from the Sparkassenverband (Savings Banks Association).
March 19, 2011

Austria's Agricultural Exports Continued to Rise in 2010

Ministry of Agriculture: "Success of export initiative and focus on quality of domestic agriculture”.
March 19, 2011

Young Industry on Pensions: Failure of Politicians is "Evidence of Incapacity"

Mitterbauer said: "Austria continues to be a record holder for early retirement, despite the massive and long-term need for action." Inaction is "an affront to the younger generations".
March 19, 2011

Manufacturing Industry Supports Reform of the Energy System

Federation of Austrian Industries: "Energy efficiency has to get back into focus, the development of hydropower is a priority for Austria"
March 17, 2011 · Updated: March 18, 2011; 01:24

Anzengruber: Austria Should Halve Energy Consumption by 2050

Verbund CEO Wolfgang Anzengruber believes that energy efficiency can be increased significantly. The energy industry needs further investments in order to achieve this.
March 17, 2011

Wlodkowski: "Renewable Energy is the Only Road for the Future"

The President of the Chamber of Agriculture calls for the promotion of renewable energies. A "Fossil-lobby" allegedly wants to prevent this.
March 15, 2011

Austrian Post Announces Changes of Executive Board

Walter Hitzinger is appointed as director of the mail and retail division. Walter Oblin succeeds Rudolf Jettmar as CFO.
March 15, 2011

RLB Upper Austria Intends to Grow in Russia

The regional bank Raiffeisenlandesbank Upper Austria (RLB) purchased a 2.95% share in the South Russian Krayinvestbank in Krasnodar.
March 14, 2011

ÖBB Restructuring: "There is no other Alternative"

Christian Kern, CEO of the Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB) explains his plans to manage the turnaround in an interview with the magazine "Standard".
March 12, 2011